Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

Ado and I celebrated our 4th year anniversary on Thursday, the 21st. We went to Fort Pierce for a few days and then went to Stuart together for a little weekend getaway while Grammy and Grandpa watched Ian. We also got to meet the newest additions to the family, little Lyla and Nicholas. Ian was really interested in Nicholas and Molly. He kept wanting to look in the stroller at Nicholas and would watch Molly in adoration. We also got to see Great-Granny and Grandpa twice! Ian did a lot of showing off and gave his best dance performance for them. Eventhough it rained most of the trip, we still got to go to the beach a couple times and have some fun. Ian also loved playing outside in the grass with Grandpa and throwing the raquetball down the driveway with Grammy and Grandpa.

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