Saturday, January 24, 2009

Silly man

Well, it's been hard to keep up lately since we're always catching some cold and Jennie just found out she's anemic. This is our attempt to keep up with some recent Ian moments. He's so fun at this age. He just turned 10 months this week, one day before his mommy's birthday. We had our first night away from Ian last weekend and stayed a night on the beach in Stuart while Ian stayed at Grammy and Grandpa's house. He kept everyone entertained by dancing. He now dances anytime he hears anything resembling music, even tv commercials. Grammy has a cute video of it that we'll try to post soon. He's been "almost walking" now for over a month, but still not taking any steps on his own. He's saying "Hi" now and mostly does it if he's pretending to talk on mommy's cell phone. If you ask him to say hi, he'll put his hand to his ear like he's on the phone and say, "hiiiiiii" like in a slow Southern drawl. He's also shaking his head no. (At least not saying that yet!) He and Mikey love each other and "share" Mikey's toys. Here's a few photos. Enjoy!

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